How does God speak to us?  It's a pretty critical part of being a Christian - after all, Christianity IS relationship with God.


People talk about God speaking to them through the Bible, or through wise council from friends.  Maybe on occasion God speaks out loud or even through nature.  I've heard sermons on "the seven ways to hear God's voice": through scripture, wise council, an audible voice, an angel, dreams and visions, circumstance and thoughts in your head

But if we're supposed to have relationship with God, why is He so mysterious - why do we have to search out His voice.  If my wife only ever wrote notes to me, or spoke to me through a mutual friend or something else, we couldn't really have much relationship.  Why have we, as Christians, got so misguided about God speaking to us?  I think the Bible is clear when it describes God speaking to us.

The "Seven Ways" that God speaks to us aren't wrong - God does speak to us through those.  But I think there is a clear mandate from scripture as to how God primarily communicates to those He wants to have meaningful relationships with.


If God is good, why does He allow evil, pain and suffering?

Many people I know can't defend this question adequately.  "God's ways are higher than our", "Our limited minds can't understand an infinite God and His ways" and other excuses just leave unbelievers feeling like they won the discussion.  So can I answer better?  Sure I can…